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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dan Quayle's 'potatoe' boy is all grown up

Let's look fondly back to yesteryear when the dead tree echo chambers weren't dinosaurs (yet) & Murphy Brown could ridicule Republican foot in mouth with network impunity.

The boy is now a man. His name is William Figuero. He's a 28 year old father of three kids. He had a very troubled childhood.

Figueroa doesn't see Quayle's gaffe as indicative of the former vice president's intelligence.

"Me, personally, I think it was an innocent mistake. It was blown out of proportion by the media," he said. "They already had an image of who he was, and what I did was just another stepping stone adding to that."

Lord knows that dems never make stupid mistakes.

Whither the internet, Mr. Gore?