Videos WhatFinger

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Israeli / Arab Conflict: What Really Happened

Or more accurately, the Jewish / Muslim conflict.

Follow this link for a slick 7 minute power point presentation on a brief history lesson about this perennial conflict. A few highlights:

*There is no 'Palestinian nation.' There never has been.
*The Jews have lived continuously in Palestine (a geographic area) for 3700 years.
*The modern state of Israel comprises 1/10th of one percent of the Mid East.
*Jews aren't welcome in many Arab nations, but Arabs are given full citizenship in Israel.
*Despite the lies told by terrorist enablers like Jimmy Carter, this war is not about land. It's about the destruction of Israel & the Jews who live there.

Follow this link.
NOTE: Firefox users may have to hit refresh once there in order for the graphic to load.

TY MF via DR