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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Why Veena Malik’s smackdown of a mullah was a seminal moment for feminism

From Susannah Fleetwood at the MRB:
"[This week], Allahpundit picked up the story of gorgeous Pakistani actress, Veena Malik, courageously going off on an Egyptian Mullah who accused her of “immorality” because he didn’t approve of her appearance, or the fact that that she appeared on an Indian equivalent of the television show Big Brother. Jonah Goldberg was the first major blogger to report on this story, and it has been all over the right-wing blogosphere ever since. So, what makes this a possible seminal moment for feminism instead of just another viral video? Well…several things."
Not surprisingly, Malik is receiving death threats from some adherents to the religion of perpetual outrage.

An excellent read. Click on over.