Monday, October 02, 2006

My-my-my-my-my - My Sha-ria!

Geez. You take a few days off and the world zips by.

I think the guys over at LGF missed the boat on this one: At Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Somali Muslim cab drivers are refusing taxi service to passengers carrying alcohol.

The airports commission has struggled with the issue for several years. Alcohol is a serious concern for devout Muslims, said Hassan Mohamud, an imam and vice president of the society. The Qur'an, Islam's holy book, strictly forbids buying, selling, drinking or carrying alcohol.

Anyone who reads here, (all three of you), knows that I am the first loud mouth to blow off steam against the in-your-face-or-else islamo-fascists, but I think this is more about free enterprise than chopping these guys off at the knees for their beliefs.

Now, I'm no expert on cabbies, but from what I understand they are independent contractors; either owning their own rigs or leasing them from the established companies. In essence, they are small business owners with themselves for employees. It is their perogative to decide who will be a fare or not - if their business model works, then they are successful. If not, then they go out of business.

It comes down to private property rights and freedom to conduct your business as one sees fit. Afterall, that is very American of them.