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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Sumpins up and it ain't pretty.
Syria is sensing an ill wind blowing in from the West. In a pre emptive move to protect it's foreign monetary assets, Syria switched to the Euro from the U.S. dollar.
"It looks like a kind of pre-emptive action aimed at making their foreign assets safer, preventing them from getting frozen in case of any conflict."
We're talking billions of dollars.
In a similar move some weeks back, Iran did its own currency tango when it withdrew some assets from western scrutiny.
Oh. Iran has also resumed its uranium enrichment program. Couple all that with this little hint about a pre emptive monkey stomp against Iran's nuclear facilities and I say 'sumpins up. It ain't pretty.

Believe it or not, other brainiacs, besides yours truely, have come to this same conclusion and they don't like the idea much.
"A MAJOR American attack on Iran's nuclear sites would kill up to 10,000 people and lead to war in the Middle East, a report warned yesterday."

Excuse me. But isn't there already a war in the middle East?