Googlag owns youtube (googlag also owns blogger - the host of this blog - an irony not lost on moi). Youtube is a popular repository for murderous agitprop videos made by terrorists (like as hezbollah & al-qaeda) to champion their nasty brand of 'philosophy'.
So much so, that here in the blog-o-sphere, youtube has earned the derisive moniker 'allahtube' - to more accurately describe the content on that site (you know....American soldiers getting shot or blown up; Jews being murdered; children being brainwashed for suicide missions; good clean family stuff...).
Youtube's perverse & dubious distinction has attracted the attention of none other than Sen. Joe Lieberman(I-Conn).
In a letter Lieberman sent Monday, he asked Google to “immediately remove content produced by Islamist terrorist organizations from YouTube.”
“Islamist terrorist organizations use YouTube to disseminate their propaganda, enlist followers, and provide weapons training — activities that are all essential to terrorist activity,” Lieberman wrote.
We're at war, you know, and American companies should not facilitate the enemy in killing American soldiers.
But googlag refused Sen. Lieberman's request. Claimed that such a request would 'trample free speech rights', and that
Apparently, for the obtuse, relativistic twits at googlag's corporate office, the U.S. constitution affords protection to jihadists engage in killing American soldiers. I guess those same obtuse, relativistic twits at googlag's corporate office never put down their starbucks long enough to realize who, exactly, it is that risks their life and limb to defend that constitution.
I wonder how they'll feel after the FBI, Justice & Treasury come knocking on their obtuse, relativistic twit door? But, judging from GW's 8 year long limp piddle toward not dealing with seditious actions, I wouldn't hold my breath.
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