By way of anecdote:
Franklin was the new preacher in town, and he was anxious to get to know his neighbors. He looked across the street and saw several people outside doing yard work. One old man was having difficulty with his lawn mower, so Franklin walked over, introduced himself, and offered to help.
The old man creaked upright, spit on the lawn and muttered, "This G3d#@mn son of b$!ch mower is one worthless piece sh&^ I never shoulda bought from that crooked b$%st#d down the street..."
The old man stopped abruptly, as if to realize who he was cussing in front of, and said, "Sorry, Preacher. Didn't mean for all that to come out."
The preacher said, "That's all right. But, if it wasn't in you, it wouldn't be coming out."
A big TY to SMB