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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"Rainbow Family" assaults Forest Rangers w/ rocks, sticks & profanities

Five of the dirty hippies were subdued & arrested by Forest Service Agents for ain't it flippen obvious?? alleged drug use.

The confrontation Thursday night escalated as about 400 Rainbow participants tried to intervene in the arrest, the Forest Service said.

It was then that the 'family' assaulted the officers. Three more of the hippies were arrested later.
John Twiss, director of Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations in Washington, D.C., said he was among the officers who responded when Rainbow Family members threw sticks and rocks at federal officers.

Twiss characterized the Rainbow participants as "non-compromising," "arrogant" and "anti-authority." He said this year's episode and other disturbances at recent gatherings should prompt a review of whether Rainbow Family events are allowed.

"I think we have to have that discussion within the agency," Twiss said. "We spend an awful lot of time and effort on these people. And frankly, the taxpayers deserve better."

Especially when this mass of unwashed humanity displaces hardworking civic organizations like the Boy Scouts of America.
The Order of the Arrow, which is the Boy Scouts' national honor society, anticipates 5,000 or so participants will provide more than a combined 250,000 hours of service this summer helping to restore portions of national forests in Missouri, Utah, Virginia, California and Wyoming, according Stewart.

Leaders with the Boy Scouts' Order of the Arrow have decided to cancel a long-planned forest restoration project near Dutch Joe Guard Station in the Wind Rivers, said Mary Cernicek, spokeswoman with the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

The rainbow family chose that same general area for their annual hippie fest. And even after meeting with Mark Rey, the federal undersecretary who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, the dirty hippies refused to move. Too 'inconvenient' for them.
The U.S. Forest Service was scrambling Monday to come up with a similar project in a different location in the Bridger-Teton, to serve as a substitute for the Scouts when they come July 26 through Aug. 2.

What's wrong with this picture?? Especially when these hippies turn violent. And guess who (the aclu) decided (the aclu) to investigate the actions (the aclu) of federal officers who had arrested five of the dirty hippies?

Go on. Guess.