How many blathering talking heads would drone on & on about 'rightwing, xenophobic bigots'?? And that would simply be the msm. The tantric BDS infants @ huffypoo or d-kuss would soil themselves in truck loads of diapers at such a 'hateful assault' toward (pick the skin color du jour) people.
Bush Greets New Citizens, And Protesters.
4th Of July Ceremony For New Americans At Monticello Interrupted By Cries For Impeachment.
While most decent folks shared in the joy of legal immigrants who undertook the arduous task of coming to this nation; entering through the front door; showing some respect; and applying to be citizens of this great nation, others did not.
Yup. Speaking of 'bozos'.... the tantric BDS infants showed up to spew their cranial diarrhea on the grounds of Thomas Jefferson's home while President Bush welcomed new U.S. citizens at a swearing-in ceremony for naturalized Americans.
Mr. Bush said he was honored to be present for the naturalization ceremony, saying "I'll be proud to call you a fellow American."
However, throughout the president's remarks, protestors in attendance one by one got up and shouted statements like "Defend the constitution" and "Impeach Bush."
"That man is a fascist!" one man yelled. "He has brought fascism to this shore!"

GP says the code pinko nutjob to your left is the same code pinko nutjob who assaulted Condoleezza Rice with faux-blood splattered hands at a Senate hearing last October .
And TNE has video of these xenophobic, tantric BDS infants peppering their hate speech with 'eff' bombs during the ceremony.
So, tell me again, sparky: "Who's the fascist?"