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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tolerance & inclusion - except for Christians

Unless it's court ordered.

A July 30th court order is what it took for the Univ. of Florida to officially recognize a Christian fraternity, Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX). The Univ. had refused to officially recognize BYX because, get this, the fraternity limited its membership to Christians only (!).

The school does not apply a similar standard to other student organizations, permitting various groups to limit their membership to those who share the organization’s views.

Without official recognition, BYX cannot receive critical benefits given to other student groups, such as access to meeting space and the ability to advertise and recruit members on campus. Wednesday’s injunction from the 11th Circuit means that the university must officially recognize BYX while the case moves forward.
The Univ. Of Georgia pulled the same nonsense back in 2006, but was court ordered to officially recognize BYX.

Plus, the university is a ‘marketplace of ideas’ where all viewpoints are welcomed - except if you're a Christian.

Unless it's court ordered.
In February 2006, ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of DeJohn, who is a sergeant in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. The lawsuit charged that Temple University’s “speech code” was vague and overbroad, and stifled student speech on campus, such as DeJohn’s religious and conservative views. A federal judge ruled in DeJohn’s favor and issued a permanent injunction against the policy in March 2007.
As of Monday, Aug. 4th, the 3rd Circuit Court upheld that ruling against Temple University's “speech code”.

Finally, how would you like to be fired for doing the right thing? No? Well, that's exactly what happened to a woman employed at the CDC in Atlanta, GA.

Your tax dollars at work, people!