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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Orson Scott Card needs to be quiet

Then he needs to be re-educated.

How dare he libel the good name of the last best hope for this great nation - the Democratic Party. The most ethical, and decent organization ever to help working families! Apple pie and Justice. That's Fannie Mae & ACORN, mister.

And then to heap insult upon injury, Mr. Card dares to tarnish the good name of the most impartial fact checkers in our great land - the Main Stream Media. Not a dishonest bone or biased thought in their bodies.

Watch yourself, Orson Scott Card. THE ONE will assign a prosecutor to your case. Re-education has been scheduled for a smear merchant, nazi rethuglican collaborator such as you.

Dissent is not patriotic.

Paging Minister of Re-Eduction*, Bill Ayers. Minister Ayers to smear merchant triage.
