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Monday, October 13, 2008

Why ACORN doesn't matter to Jane & Joe Democrat

ACORN propagandizes that it is merely a 'voter's rights' organization who's sole purpose is to insure that all eligible citizens are registered and able to exercise their franchise.

A noble goal to be sure. After all, who could be opposed to registered voters voting?

But ACORN is a tax payer supported, far left organization that has mixed messages and ulterior motives. It has persistently practiced voter registration fraud to the brink of organized crime for the sole purpose of helping to secure the election of leftist politicians sympathetic to their socialist cause.

Conservatives need not apply.

The democratic candidate for President, Barak Milhous Obama and his nefarious association with this corrupt organization has been blog-o-sphere staple lately, but doesn’t seem resonate on the nightly news; in the dead tree newspapers; or, more telling, with late night comedians.

And Jill & Joe Democrat enamored with THE ONE simply don't seem care about this fetid malignancy infiltrating the democratic process. A process those on the left, with their shrill (and disingenuous) mantras of 'democracy now' & 'count every vote', demand to be honored and scrutinized lest the foul cry of disenfranchisement rise up.

Yet they tolerate this arrogant and rampant corruption of the process by ACORN.

A recent article about Bill Buckley’s son voting for Obama got me thinking about it. I flippantly remarked that the son must have never read Dad’s book “God & Man at Yale.”

In that book Bill Buckley put forth the premise that amoral lib profs at Yale were deliberately undermining traditional conservative culture & values with anti-theism and a subversive ‘progressive’ propaganda - as if it were course curriculum.

That was 50 years ago. We all know the perverse in-bred liberal infestation rampant in academia (which your tax payer dollars help fund) and the systemic failure of these institutions, as a whole, to produce classically trained Western Scholars.

So what does this have to do with Jane & Joe Democrat?

From the lectern filters down to the street a subversive moral equivalence argument which attempts to validate all societies, governments & cultures - no matter how repugnant or repressive. Especially if it denigrates Christian culture or influence in the process. This is coupled with a radical propaganda of ‘hate America’ as a valid globalist viewpoint.

All that manifests itself as a guiding philosophy of Daily Kuss; Huffypoo; Democracy now; People For the American Way; Open Society Institute; ACORN; the NEA (yes, that nea); and any dozens of other socially & politically liberal organizations who hold the supreme decider to be pure mob rule - a 100% democratic force of humanity. Rules are secondary.

(The recent conflagration during the democratic primary for the seating of rogue delegates from Mich. & Fl. who flagrantly violated party rules, but were later accepted at Obama's Denver convention selection, illustrates the point.)

Those politicians sympathetic to or surreptitiously supportive of these ideas seem to have the ear, and possibly the vote, of half of the electorate in this country. Especially when other people's money is being promised in exchange.

From there it is a short step to Jane & Joe Democrat's kitchen table where they flock to the ideal of mob rule because they believe that is the most direct route for the little guy to be heard. After all, 'their' candidate champions them, and sticks his or her thumb in the eye of those evil rich people (while the politician's other hand gets greased from those same rich people). It's a fool's game, but Jane & Joe Democrat insist that they don't hate America. Just rich people... and those intolerant rethuglicans. And any other politician who won't give the masses what they want.

Class warfare du jour. The radicals are just fringe, and apparently, tolerable.

Right now, there is ONE among us like no other. A light-being of global influence who engenders an undefined HOPE that can un-specifically CHANGE a nation in need to one without greed so we all can share & share alike with every tear wiped away as every need is met and every want fulfilled.

As long as someone else pays for it. Of course. (Check which way the wind blows for daily for policy changes.)

And he must ascend to the throne. By any means necessary. Obama or die, ya'll.

I blame gub’mint schools. Literally. ‘God & Man at Yale' is now 40 years of the NEA & it's radical leftist agenda in our local gub’mint schools teaching our children not how to think, but what to think.

Your tax dollars at work.

Our kids have grown up to be Jane & Joe Democrat and we're surprised. ACORN just doesn’t matter to them. And the polls show it.