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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Al Sharpton to Protest Perceived Depiction of President as Chimpanzee

Photobucket Oh, wait. That's different.

Because no one has depicted the president as a chimp before now. But Al Sharpton is still planning on being as thin skinned as he wants to be.

The fact that the NY Post's cartoon has its origins in (1) a recent news story in which Stamford, Conn. police killed a rampaging chimp; (2) an intellectual conundrum far removed from racism's ugly past known as The Million Monkey Theorem; and (3) the cartoon subject of Al Sharpton's latest race-pimp screed is Congress because the President doesn't write legislation, has gone clear over his race-pimp head.

Move along, citizens. Nothing to see. After all, it's post-racial America, you cowards.