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Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Christo-phobic President's Crumbling Foundation

Back in my heathen days, long before I married my raven haired beauty, Mrs. Locomotivebreath, I dated a sweet young woman from the Philippines. She was Muslim. Well, a Muslim in the same way that Pelosi, Sebelius, or Wise Guys are Catholic: Lasped, to the point of perversion.

Although her Father strongly disapproved and disowned her for it, my long ago Filipino hottie was in the Mid-West on an educational scholarship; a coed in pursuit of a good time. I obliged.

I did notice some peculiar tendencies, however, which, I assume, were reminiscent of her Muslim upbringing: she religiously helped out at relief orgs for the poor (and dragged me along), yet she refused to have the name Jesus mentioned in her presence; she shielded her eyes going past a Church; she refused to enter any place a cross was hung; refused all pork; eschewed alcohol; but wore swim suits; fondly used the words 'f**k & sh*t'; and wildly begged me to...

But, I digress.

Long story, short, I was reminded of my quirky Filipino hottie upon reading this seemingly ignominious headline & story:
Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply With White House Request.

"( - Georgetown University says it covered over the monogram “IHS”--symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the “IHS” monogram that had previously adorned the stage at Georgetown’s Gaston Hall was still covered up--when the pediment where it had appeared was photographed by"

No, I don't really think that Pres. Obama is a closet Muslim. No, I don't really think he's a Christo-phobe, either, but hey - I'm just trying emulated my left wing media heroes' penchant for histrionic headline hyperbole & narrative canard as it pertains to my ideological opposites. All hail Saul Alinsky! Right, boys?

Back to rational thought; No tinfoil hats here. Just a simple explanation:
"(Julie Green Bataille, associate vice president for communications at Georgetown, told,) “The White House wanted a simple backdrop of flags and pipe and drape for the speech, consistent with what they’ve done for other policy speeches,” she added. “Frankly, the pipe and drape wasn’t high enough by itself to fully cover the IHS and cross above the GU seal and it seemed most respectful to have them covered so as not to be seen out of context."

Why am I always reminded of my Orwell when this administration speaks? Now, the symbol "IHS" is present in 26 other places around Gaston Hall and were not covered during the President's visit at Georgetown.
"Obama did not mention the name of Jesus during his address. However, he did mention Christ’s Sermon on the Mount."

Clear as mud, right? No. Because the point of Pres. Obama's visit to Georgetown was to present his sermon on the occluded Gaston Hall mount about the shifting sands of Capitalism.

What he offered in its place was a grifter's swindle complete with the crumbling foundations of a voracious nanny state.

Charles Krauthammer offers a four point explanation of Obama's Faulty 'Foundation': The Whopper; The Puzzler; The Non Sequitur; The Swindle.
"This is the sand on which the new foundation is constructed. Obama has the magic to make words mean almost anything. Numbers are more resistant to his charms."




(The graphic is courtesy of the awesome The People's Cube. Go there. Now.)