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Friday, January 22, 2010

Your Tax Dollars at Work

First came the NPR produced 'Learn To Speak Tea Bag' cartoon poking fun at "Tea Baggers" (the Tea Party political movement, not the homosexual sex act) - with the usual applause from the Left and jeers from the Right; not because the Right wants to squash free speech, but because the Right doesn't want this type of Leftist agitprop subsidized with tax dollars.

Now the tax payer subsidized agitprop raises its ugly head again: NPR Commentator Denounces Limbaugh as 'Excrement In Broadcasting.'

Limbaugh, schmimbaugh. He's is in the same political bomb throw theatre as Glen Beck. If the market place gives 'em an audience, God bless 'em and good luck. As for me - thanks, but no thanks. I know how to use the 'off' button.

The main issue, once again, is our collective tax dollars funding this Leftist bias at NPR, which is hemmoraging money - kinda like the free market Air America did for years, and inevitably, finally went out of business yesterday. But, I digress.

The Lefties may not like Limbaugh or Levin or Savage, et al., but at least the Lefties are not forced to subsidize their salaries, but we right wingers are forced to subsidize those whom we disagree with at NPR via our tax dollars.

That's a distinction with quite a difference, but one that is totally lost on the Leftists.