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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Obama Biggest Recipient of British Petroleum Cash

For the last 20 years Obama has enjoyed the largess of BP to the tune of $77,051.

Numero dos? Rep. Don Young (R- AK) banking $73,300 from BP.

"In 2008 alone, BP gave $37,000 to members of the House Energy Committee and $106,501 to members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which deals with security issues facing the nation’s oil supply.

BP has also evolved in its corporate giving over the past decade, shifting more money to Democrats. In 2000, the company gave almost 39 percent more to Republicans than to Democrats. But by 2008, Democrats had nearly pulled even with Republicans on BP donations."
But, hey. It's only those evil rethuglicans who are in the pocket of big oil.

And BP may not be paying out to this guy, but he does work for Obama. Or is it the American tax payer?

While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department Chief of Staff Rafted with Wife in Grand Canyon.
"The Stricklands departed for the Grand Canyon three days after the leaks in the Deepwater Horizon pipeline were discovered. Ultimately, after the government realized that the spill was worse than had been previously thought, officials decided that Strickland was needed in the Gulf so Strickland was taken out of the Grand Canyon by a National Park Service helicopter.

One government official, asking for anonymity because of the political sensitivities involved, told ABC News that some Interior Department employees thought it was “irresponsible” for Strickland to have gone on the trip, given the crisis in the Gulf, which was fully apparent at the time he departed for the Grand Canyon."
Uh, oh.

U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study. Dated April 6, 2009.

Let's see. 2009.

Whose administration could that be? A community organizing administration? Not sure.

The facts are kinda fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure it's that evil boooshitler's fault.

It has to be.