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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Hyphenated Married Name Fight Heats Up

On Facebook.

I don't Facebook, so I'll have to take her word for it:
"Seems he takes offense to the idea of me tacking his last name on to the one I already have. The move — according to him — says I’m wishy-washy about my commitment and (gasp) that I’m not ready to leave my family and be a wife. When I introduced the subject for discussion on Facebook, turns out plenty of folks from both genders side with his opinion. I didn’t tell him that, though."
Obfuscate. Disinform. Probably a Democrat. She prattles on with this feminist pap:
"There is no level-headed reason why a woman should have to abandon her family’s last name in order to prove her fidelity and allegiance to her man. None whatsoever. The concept is as archaic and patriarchal as, oh I don’t know, forgoing your dreams to be an apron-sporting housewife a la June Cleaver or pretending to be an airhead to appease your guy’s fragile ego. Puh-lease.
She appears to be a bigot and a hater, too. We now return to the real world where, for ten thousand generations, lil girls have been mating their latest boy crush name onto theirs, in dreamy, matrimonial fantasy. With lots of x's, o's and butterflys, of course.
"According to the recently released 2010 Real Weddings Survey from The Knot, only 6 percent of newlywed women opted to hyphenate their names — the same number reported on the stats from the year before. Responses from the roughly 20,000 brides polled overwhelmingly favored taking their hubby’s name, to the tune of 86 percent."
A man shall leave his mother, and a woman shall leave her home. Together, they shall become as one. So says Wisdom. Yet, it's kinda hard to be one with two different names. And it confuses the heck outta the kids. There's time enough for that when you get divorced in 6 years.

Better sign that pre-nup, for insurance. And retain a good lawyer. FYI.