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Friday, October 07, 2011

Understand 'Occupy Wall Street' Mobs in 10 Easy Lessons

Read the serious full analysis (seriously) at Hope n Change Cartoons, where Mr. Jarlsberg points out that these "Occupy Wall Street" mobs are predominately "affluent, overwhelmingly white, unbelievably self-absorbed kids."

This description, of course, means that MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, WaPO and NPR will demonize these people as racists, any day now.

Any day.


Right after the crickets start chirping.

In the mean time, don't get between a mendacious congress critter and a TV camera:

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) praised those participating in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, declaring "God bless them," then praised them for their for their spontaneity and effectiveness.

Yet, in 2009, Mrs. Pelosi demonized the TEA Party as 'astroturf.'

But, wait. There's more!

Senate Democrats Cheer Wall Street Protests. You know, the usual suspects like Senators Kerry, Cardin & Casey.

And speaking of usual suspects: Billionaire financier George Soros’ fingerprints all over 'Occupy Wall Street' mobs.

Uh,oh. It's getting ugly.

Something called a Roseanne Barr consulted her skid-marked shorts to demand "Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth." I want to know what suit thought it wise to put this person in front of a TV camera??

Also, New York state lawmakers have received threatening mails saying it is “time to kill the wealthy.” 

But it's those eeebil teabaggers that are the real problem, gosh darn it!

A local photoblogger captured the very tame 'OWS' action at Penn Valley Park in KCMO on Tuesday.

And from the 'Buyer's Remorse' dept. of the NY Times:
“There’s a lot of discontent with Obama’s policies,” said Kevin Zeese, an organizer of the protest, which drew about 500 people. “Obama is out of touch. He’s busy going around the country raising $1 billion to run for re-election.”

The new normal: Unemployment rate steady at 9.1%, 103K jobs added. But that includes 45,000 Verizon union workers who decided to go back to their jobs.

And, finally: "I wanna talk about me, Wanna talk about I, Wanna talk about number one, Oh my me my, What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see...