Wednesday, November 30, 2005

An echo in the wilderness. A democrat speaks common sense about Iraq. Really!

Let's face it. The democratic (socialist) party has long ago been hi jacked by the lunatic fringe. Those left wing utopian screamers, that hate all things conservative, make any wallacite look hawkish by comparison. I give a big tip 'o the hat to Senator Joseph Lieberman for having big brass ones and letting the truth be proclaimed loud and clear:

Our Troops Must Stay!
America can't abandon 27 million Iraqis to 10,000 terrorists.

Published Tuesday, November 29, 2005 in the WSJ, his commentary lets the world know that there is still a voice of reason in the democratic (socialist) party.
"It is a war between 27 million and 10,000; 27 million Iraqis who want to live lives of freedom, opportunity and prosperity and roughly 10,000 terrorists who are either Saddam revanchists, Iraqi Islamic extremists or al Qaeda foreign fighters who know their wretched causes will be set back if Iraq becomes free and modern. The terrorists are intent on stopping this by instigating a civil war to produce the chaos that will allow Iraq to replace Afghanistan as the base for their fanatical war-making. We are fighting on the side of the 27 million because the outcome of this war is critically important to the security and freedom of America. If the terrorists win, they will be emboldened to strike us directly again and to further undermine the growing stability and progress in the Middle East, which has long been a major American national and economic security priority." - Joe Lieberman