Saturday, November 26, 2005

From the yapping lap dog department

Writing from Damascus, Albert Aji has an article published in The Scotsman Online detailing Syria's cooperation with the U.N.'s investigation into the death of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. This is a sharp reversal from Syria's earlier outrage at the U.N.'s insistence that it co-operate with an international inquiry into the killing of the former Lebanese prime minister.
Not that any of this will amount to a lap dog's squeeze. There aren't too many individuals or nations that quake in their boots when the U.N. rides into town to take names and, and...... and, write more resolutions. As expected, most all involved will have to scrub extra hard to remove the rat filth now that George Galloway has given his dubious praise to this international murder investigation.
Yapping lap dogs are annoying, but rats are deemed a public health hazard.