Monday, December 26, 2005

An excellent read from Michael Yon

This is a post from December 21, 2005 on Michael Yon's blog. He sums up the perception of 'media spin' and 'propoganda' very well, especially in reference to the recent events in Iraq. Here's a little excert:
"There were three overwhelmingly successful elections in Iraq in 2005, two of which I witnessed and reported first hand. I found the montage accurate in the limited sense that it implies a majority of Iraqis are struggling for self-determination. In that sense, I found it both accurate and moving......."

"....Ironically, if the montage is a work of propaganda, it’s an unfortunate waste of money, like framing a guilty man. There is no reason to gild this image. The truth of what happened during this third of three voting days in Iraq is undeniably powerful all on its own."

Awesome. Check it out.