Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Good fences make good neighbors

Israel is not waiting around for the inevitable. The Israeli air force conducted another flawless test of its Arrow 2 anti-ballistic missile on Friday, Dec. 2nd. It successfully intercepted an incoming target missile similar in size and speed to Iran's long-range Shahab-3 missile. A missile Iran claims it can now mass produce and has a range of over 1200 miles; well within striking distance of Israel.
A very wise bolstering of Israel's weapons systems considering that Iran just inked a 1 billion dollar weapons deal with Russia.
This comes in the midst of the continuing saga about Iran's pursuit of nuclear capabilities and that government's
staunch refusal to give up those capabilities for 'strictly peaceful purposes'.

But wait!

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), guess who has plans for nuclear warheads?!

Here's a little FAQ on why this might be important to the rest of the world.

Th ex Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, knows just what to do with all this disturbing information regarding Iran. But, it maybe too little, too late to persuade a world all to willing to tolerate bullies.