Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lancing the boil: more brilliant analysis by Victor Davis Hanson

Normally, I would be a smart aleck and say 'nuff said' and leave you the link. But not this time. This time I will go out on a publishing limb and print out a small excerpt.
What the hey.
It's almost Xmas and I'm livin' large!

"For some time, a large number of Americans have lived in an alternate universe where everything is supposedly going to hell. If you get up in the morning to read the New York Times or Washington Post, watch John Murtha or Howard Dean on the morning talk shows, listen to National Public Radio at noon, and go to bed reading Newsweek it surely seems that the administration is incommunicado (cf. “the bubble”), the war is lost (“unwinnable”), the Great Depression is back (“jobless recovery”), and America about as popular as Nazi Germany abroad (“alone and isolated”)."
"In the face of that growing ulcer of discontent, we quietly kept on killing terrorists, promoting elections in Iraq, pressuring Arab autocracies to democratize, and growing the economy. All that is finally lancing the boil, here and abroad — and what was in there all along is now slowly oozing out, making the cure seem almost as gross as the malady."

You can find the complete essay by clicking here.
Do it. You know you want to.