Monday, December 05, 2005

Pakistan. Oh! Pakistan.

Thursday's news hit me hard. 10 marines dead and 11 wounded outside of Fallujah in the bloodiest attack on U.S. troops since August. I seldom think of the families of soldiers killed. I most always think of the dead and what their time was like before that fateful moment. These marines were on a night patrol when the cowardly islamofascist detonated an I.E.D.
The cowards back in the U.S. senate would love this; more fuel for their frenzy to tuck tail and run! Then, more bad news on Saturday with another roadside I.E.D. killing 19 Iraqi soldiers just north of Baghdad. It got to me. A Dewar's scotch salute was in order and maybe a re-think of how this war is going.

Fat chance!
Listen up boys n girls 'cause this is gonna go quick. The good news in Iraq far outstrips the bad!

Didn't the U.S. marines uncover a cache of forty 150mm artillery shells last Thursday over in the Baghdad airport? Shells the islamo cowards cannot now use to ambush soldiers? It didn't stop Thursday's slaughter and it is not the first to be found and certainly not the last but it is one more piece of good news in shutting down the terrorists in Iraq.

Also, I do believe an islamo-fascist plot to attack Saddam's trial at the courthouse with shoulder fired rockets (!) was foiled over the weekend. I would say that is good news. At least it is one more thing gone right that the turn coats can't gloat about.

And how about that quick counter-offensive later Saturday night and into Sunday by the Iraqi forces who had just got their teeth kicked in earlier Saturday?
"Iraqi forces said they killed 20 rebels and captured 5 more in a counter-offensive in a town where 19 Iraqi troops were killed a day earlier, as US forces wrapped up their latest operations in the restive Al-Anbar province."

Good news? Who says there is no good news in this fight?
I say al qaida is running out of steam and the rats that once ruled the streets are finding few friends for their murderous deeds and tactics.

Then there is Pakistan. OH! Pakistan. Who's your buddy?! Pakistan has routinely come through with the big score against the fascists. If you blinked over the weekend then you missed it.
Headline: Pakistan kills Hamza Rabia, a top operational planner for al-Qaeda Even our rather biased friends over at the BBC thought this was good news. That toasted scumbag's predecessor, Abu Faraj al-Libbi was arrested by Pakistan back in May of this year. Libbi is said to have been third in al-Qaeda and is wanted over attempts on the life of Pakistan's president.
And that scumbag's predecessor, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, one of the masterminds behind 9-11 was arrested by Pakistan back in 2003.
Pakistan. OH! Pakistan.

The hits just keep on coming!