Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Flotsam and jetsam again

Somebody stop me! I'm turning Chinese. So sue me.

Here's yet another article on China. This one from Thomas Sowell about how the common folk in China are lifting themselves out of poverty. And just what great googly-moogly government program did the communist government over there implement to achieve this rise from poverty? Try capitalism and providing for ones own self interest.
'The only thing that can cure poverty is wealth. The Chinese acquired wealth the old-fashioned way: They created it.'
Do you think the leftist utopians in the west will take notice? Just a thought.

It looks like Iran and its pursuit of operational nuclear technology is still in the news. But what these Iranians really want is a good game of basketball. And the youth of Iran want a new way of life. The times they are a-changin'.

No matter how much things change, they somehow stay the same. Like little girls. Even in the middle east they want dolls and the decadent western clothes hog, Barbie, just doesn't cut it anymore. Meet Fulla.
"Fulla, the Muslim doll, is now thought to be the best-selling girl's toy in the Arab world, two years after she first came on the market, displacing her Western rival, Barbie..."
Now I'm not advocating that western females wear a hijab, but they sure could learn a thing or two about modest attire (we don't really need to know what color thong you're wearing).

And, even in Iraq, life goes on as little girls still want to be ballet dancers.

Back in the west, on a more serious note, liberal democratic leader Kennedy has resigned his post after admitting to a serious problem with alcohol. It's about time this sot left congress.
Kennedy has long plagued the senate with his socialist blathering and rambling tirades that often hindered republicans.....oops.
Never mind.

But this is almost as good.
Ted Kennedy, the U.S. senator, has written a children's book to teach children about how the American government works. A dog is one of the main characters in the book and presents 'A Dogs-Eye View of Washington, D.C'.
The dog's name is 'Splash'.
Next up: 'my cat, mary jo'.
Oh. That's bad.

This just in: Bin Laden is still dead.
And who the heck is Howard Stern and why does anybody care?

Happy Tuesday and stay warm!