Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Abyss of Cultures

I have been chastised.
An angry knowledge collector reprimanded me for identifying the Dutch as publishing the original offending Muslim cartoons. It was, in fact, the Danes.
I'm obtuse. Mea culpa.

My mistake will not result in violent demonstrations though. And despite pleas from cooler heads in the Muslim world, the death, destruction and calls for western blood continue unabated around the world.

This article gives an insightful look into the frightful void between two cultures.
'One demonstrator (in Afghanistan) questioned freedom of speech, as it is interpreted in the West. "What kind of freedom is that? In the West, insulting religious sanctities is considered freedom, but in reality, freedom should not be something that would allow the questioning of the religion and beliefs of Muslim people," Nur Mohammad said.'

But many Muslims in the west have a more moderated response while the Danes reflect upon this angry hornets nest.

PS: This has nothing to do with wearing tin foil in your hat or dusting off your secret decoder ring, so bear with me. The 'Winds of Change' blog posted an interesting conspiracy theory about the question of timing concerning this cartoon outrage.

Hey. You just can't make this stuff up.