Friday, April 14, 2006

How a bout a big plate of stupid?

The chancellor's office at Duke University gets a big steaming heap of bonehead for suspending the entire men's lacrosse team based upon the unfounded allegations of a drunk stripper before the police investigation was concluded or even any charges filed. Were these young men stupid for participating in this drunken stag nonsense?
Should the woman's allegations been taken seriously?
But I guess this culture is so lawyer whipped that only cowardly positions are sought first and questions are asked later. It is becoming apparent that this woman has made false accusations against the Duke team.
But can you imagine the unrelenting howls of racism if this was a mostly black football team from a southern university that was accused of this crime by a snockered white woman? *

This gives a whole new meaning to 'the lights are on, but nobody's home'. This couple claimed to have birthed sextuplets and asked the local community for help.
They were lying.
Apparently, they tried a similar scam several years ago.

Remember the 'run away bride', Jennifer Wilbanks? How about a run away teenager who sparked off an 'Amber Alert' with her foolish hoax. Grab your wallets, tax payers. This idiocy doesn't appear to be letting up.

But let's not forget our good Muslim friends on the other side of this planet who aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.
Some angry Muslims hurled rocks at the offices of playboy magazine in Jakarta, Indonesia today. Playboy's first local edition in a Muslim country went on sale Friday. The magazine features no nudity, and its photos of women in undergarments are less risque than in other magazines already for sale in the country. I guess simply not buying the magazines wasn't a viable option for these gents. DOH!
This almost is on par with the recent demonstrations against valentine's day. Is watching paint dry not fun anymore?

We interupt this stupid drivel for a bit of marketing brilliance.
Saudi Arabian government will replace men sales persons with women sales persons at all Saudi lingerie shops. Brilliant!

Elsewhere, Iraq's newly crowned beauty queen, Silva Shahakian, has gone into hiding, fearing she will be targeted by Islamic militants who reportedly threatened to kill other women who participated in a Baghdad pageant last week. This is another dubious acheivement by hardline Muslim men in their quest to excel at misogyny and foolishness. No one has been killed or injured...yet.

In England, no plate of nit wit goo-losh would be complete without a 140 dollar sandwich.
Some one should die from guilt on this one.

And finally, some genius, who probably spent public money from a government grant, has concluded that a loyal donkey is better than a good wife.

I'm gonna be sick.
You just can't make this stuff up!!