Sunday, May 21, 2006

The da vinci dud

Much ado about nothing, really. I have not read the Da Vici Code by Dan Brown and I probably won't see
the movie, either. This sort of thing just doesn't interest me. Give me a good documentary or unbridged dictionary anyday. Heaven. I'm in heaven, but... I digress.
From the reviews I've read and commentaries I've heard, the movie won't have long legs at the box office. It is too long, too ponderous and too introspective to the point of self absorption for a block buster movie audience. Just as well. It will give the faithful a chance to get their shorts out of a bunch over more hollywood pablum designed to accomodate some execuctive's laughter all the way to the bank.
Good thing all these christians aren't looking for 72 heavenly virgins or things could get messy.

Much ado about nothing, really. The bedrock faithful know the truth and those that just want mind candy time wasters don't want to know the truth anyways. I'm no expert on the bible, but from what I understand, Jesus couldn't have married any mortal woman because from the beginning of time His bride has been ordained to be THE CHURCH. Talk about an arranged marriage. And He couldn't have ignored His death on the cross because that would negate the ressurection and His eternal reign in Heaven in a glorified body. I think Easter, et al is a really important holiday for the christians.

People from a bygone era knew the facts about this christian stuff whether they believed it or not.
For example: The battle hymn of the republic. (...Jesus died to make men wholly; let us die to make men free; His truth is marching on......)
Or the apostle's creed: (...He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.)
And finally, who could forget Sidney Poitier in 'lilies of the field' singing with them nuns 'Amen!, Amen!, etc,.... basically singing the key points in the gospels from bethlehem to the resurrection. Not a word about being married or making babies.

I think ol Dan Brown just wanted to get some digs in at the catholic church and all them nuns who whipped him as a boy. Maybe it's a fetish thang. I don't know. Go see it if you like. Sit down and enjoy some hollywood fiction. Get a big greazy 'tub-o-death' and wash it down with a diabetic's nightmare. There will be something new to fascinate the public next week.