Monday, May 08, 2006

Did everyone have a good laugh?

It's not really all that funny; this 'blooper' reel of Zarqawi making the rounds on the internet. It's like a tragic parody of the world's sickest home videos complete with poor range discipline and a fashion statement on his shoes. This guy ain't wanting for groceries, either.
Snap out of it!
Get back to business!

This murderous warlord has fomented months of bloody assaults on innocent Iraqis shopping at markets; against children on street corners and families at weddings, not to mention almost daily explosions of IEDS against coalition forces. This man is no bafoon. The video maybe a tragi-comedic relief in this stalemate, but let us not forget Zarqawi's debut video and the horrorible screams of one man as his head was sawn off for the camera's audience.

Enough of Zarqawi already. He has followers, you know; imitators who seek to champion his cause utilizing his methods: guerilla warfare, indiscriminant bombings, kidnappings & executions. Video can be a powerful weapon. It can magnify the monsters larger than they actually are and cause paralysis in a terrified population. The medium becomes a weapon and perception more effective than reality. Now comes word from the Mudville Gazette that a cruesome video thought to be of Atwar Bahjat's execution is not.
Shortly after the bombing of the Samarra shrine, an Iraqi journalist covering the aftermath was kidnapped and murdered along with her film crew. Her story was mentioned briefly in the western media, but was covered extensively in the Middle East.
The video is certainly of some poor soul screaming out at being butchered to death.

Some people
wonder why
the Jihadists do what they do. Right now, I do not.

A closing thought
I cannot for the life of me understand why we in the West pay money to go to a movie house and watch a bloody horror film.