It's not all that original, but it is funny in a frustrating kinda way. There is a lot of talk about bio-fuels and alternative fuels are those the ones with limp wrists?, but it will be the same 'ol, same 'ol until the consumer demands something different or better. Necessity is the mother of invention so let's get bzzzy, America!
California gas station's shocking sign of times
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Gas really does cost an arm and a leg in places these days.
This weekend, a Manhattan Beach, California, gas station said the price of regular gasoline was -- an arm.
The price of mid-grade -- a leg.
The price of premium -- your first born.
Steve Grossi's lease on his Shell station was expiring on Monday, so when he ran out of gasoline to sell on Sunday, he put up the tongue-in-cheek sign.
"It started as a joke," said Grossi, 51, who operated the station for 11 years before Shell decided to sell the property. "It's a neighborhood station and it was a joke for the neighborhood."
Before he ran out of gas, Grossi was selling regular at $3.499 per gallon, then up to $3.699 for premium.
When he was out of gas, Grossi, who had been an independent Shell station owner for 28 years, was out of a job.
*When does the 'tele-porter' get invented? Oh, wait. Then the shipping companies will complain.