Friday, June 16, 2006

...seperated by a common language....

Midnight in Iraq told me of a conversation that he had with some Iraqi children while his unit was out on partol. What struck me was not the fact that he was conversing with these children, but the fact that these children grow up in a diverse nation with a wide variety of dialects and languages. Yet despite the obvious chasm between American soldiers and Iraqi children, a point of human intersection was achieved by something so common and so necessary - a unified language; modern standard arabic, to be exact. The cohessive and diplomatic nature of something so basic is very obvious to the Iraqi people and they strive to teach this unifying force to their children in schools through-out their nation. This lesson must not be lost on us here in the U.S. of A. during this current immigration debate.

Click here and Midnight will tell you, too, all about his conversation with these Iraqi children.