Thursday, July 27, 2006

Calif. coroners overwhelmed by heat deaths

My sympathies to the more than 81 people & their families sticken by this deadly heat wave in California. I'm sure that the leftist-utopians will be spewing their cranial diahhrea shortly by blaming these deaths on George Bush & Co.

SAN FRANCISCO — There have been so many deaths from California's lingering heat wave that authorities in one county began stacking bodies two to a gurney.

Twenty people have died in Fresno County alone, about a quarter of the statewide toll of 81 deaths attributed to the heat. Coroner Loralee Cervantes said Wednesday that decomposition was making the causes of death difficult to determine and the office was running out of space.
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Outside, the temperature on Wednesday approached 110 degrees.

Forecasters say a slow cooling trend is under way in the region, with highs expected to drop a few more degrees by the weekend.

"We're seeing some relief coming, if you can call 105 relief," said National Weather Service forecaster Jim Dudley. "We're inching away from this superhot air mass we've had over us, though it's tricky. ... It's hard to get those things to move."

But across the state, the damage has been done, continued