Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oh, bite me!

From the French: US called on to 'do something' on Mideast -- but what?

From Lebanon: Time for America to put its diplomatic muscle where its mouth is

And from our own: Analysis:Bush's new Mideast dilemma

The world's critics collectively excoriate the U.S. with a charges of imperialism and jointly deride George Bush as a 'cowboy' with his 'unilateral' rampage through the Mid East, yet when the seething, murderous hatred from the occupants of many Arab lands, in particular hezbollah in Lebanon and hammas in Gaza, incite Israel to defend itself (once again) from overt, bloody acts of war, those two-faced critics all come runnin' to the U.S. of A. when the sh^# hits the fan demanding that 'we' use 'our' might to appease the situation into something less ghastly. I say that ol GW and the U.S. retort with a resounding and collective 'Oh, bite me'!