Thursday, July 20, 2006


What would we do without pinhead academics??

Snake spotting 'helped us evolve'

The Wright brothers hated snakes and this spurred their desire to leave the confines of earth, but their knowledge of lighter than air craft was limited. It was only by evolving a higher conscienceness to overcome their fear of this dreaded reptile did they succeed in coaxing snakes to evolve a superior intelligence to unlock the secrets of flight.

Only by utilizing the evolved reptile's keen insights into flight and the men's highly evolved opposable thumb was it possible to manipulate the evolution of canvas, steel, rubber and gasoline into becoming the first controlled flight machine.

Years later, in a joint venture by TWA & PanAm did the inflight movie evolve mysteriously over the pacific during an over active period of sun spots and now we are stuck with Sammy Jackson shooting up the cockpit of a frikken 777 TO KILL A BUNCH O SNAKES THAT evoLVED ON A PLANE!! This is true! Every word of it!

I'm getting mo fo shore tired of these pinhead academics tossin out these 'just so' stories and trumpeting about evolution as if it was written in stone somewhere.

~carry on.