Monday, August 21, 2006

I didn't know that - Did you know that??

Them military guys over at the Mudville Gazette gave me the heads up on Turkey Forcing Down Iranian Cargo Jets.

ANKARA, Turkey -- The Turkish Foreign Ministry said Friday that it had forced two Syria-bound Iranian planes to land and be searched for rockets and other military equipment during the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. The newspaper Hurriyet reported Wednesday that Iranian planes were forced to land at Diyarbakir airport on July 27 and on Aug. 8 - but that no military equipment was found. Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman Murat Ozcelik said those were not the only planes that were forced to land. "We inspect Iranian planes upon any suspicion that they may be carrying any weapons," Ozcelik said. He declined to give further details.

I'm sure the msm will be all over this one.