Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Katrina plus one

The most painful lesson to be learned from that immense hurricane is one any boy scout can quote - 'be prepared'. The second most painful lesson to be learned from any disaster is one that any student of life can quote - 'murphy's law'. This law is multiplied exponentially when the government is placed into the equation.

The folks at HotAir use Mayor Nagin's memorial motor pool to illustrate the point and hopefully remind people 'never again!' George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Mayor Nagin was re-elected to a second term back in May, 2006.

And yet, none of this addresses the common sense issue of 'should New Orleans even be rebuilt?' Would you build a home there in this 21st century knowing the sunken, flooded history that strings back for centuries?