Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lebanon Skirts Issue of Hezbollah's Arms

Of course they do!
Lebanon's former Syrian overlords are to the north. Hezbollah is in the south. The Lebanese government (such as it is) is locked in a strangle hold with these bloody thugs from the party of the damned. It's like grabbing a badger by the scruff of the neck; you don't like it, but you dare not let it go!

Hizbollah says disarmament not an option
And did anyone seriously expect anything else??
I have to give reuters credit, though. (yikes!) They actually spelled it out the way it really is with no left hand spin.

At least 157 Israelis died in the conflict, which was ignited by Hizbollah's kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid.

I think the weatherman from hell just issued another frost advisory.