Sunday, August 20, 2006


There is no such provision on the books in the United States, but Wizbang examines the 'church/state' issue as it relates to the tax-exempt status of churches in general, and the issue of an illegal alien, Elvira Arellano, taking 'refuge' in a Chicago Methodist church in particular.

...Because that tax-exempt status comes at a price. In order to remain free of taxation, a church (or any other charitable organization) needs to avoid getting too involved in politics. They cannot endorse candidates, they cannot lobby lawmakers on issues, and they cannot attach themselves to any political party.

In this case, the church in question is choosing to not just meddle in a political question (the issue of illegal immigration), but to take a firm stand and defy existing federal laws. They are not questioning the law, simply saying that they will not comply with it.

Interesting stuff.