Saturday, September 02, 2006

Can somebody get a handle on this clown??! pt 2

I've said it before and I'll say it again; this socialist gangster, Lopez Obrador, don't give a rat's flying dingus about legitimate or illegitimate elections. He wants POWER. If he could mount an armed rebellion, he would do it.

And he is mobilizing his myrmidons ever closer to a violent frenzy with his seditious acts and talk of his own 'government' to 'rule from the streets'.

MEXICO CITY - President Vicente Fox was forced to forgo his final State of the Nation address Friday after leftist lawmakers stormed the stage of Congress to protest disputed July 2 elections.

Instead, he gave his speech on television, and called on Mexico to mend deep divisions that he said threaten the nation's democracy.

The opposition lawmakers took over the stage in Congress shortly before Fox arrived, shouting "Vote by Vote" -- a rallying cry for Lopez Obrador's bid for a full recount in the election.

The standoff came six days before the top electoral court must declare a president-elect or annul the July 2 vote and order a new election. So far, rulings have favored ruling party candidate Felipe Calderón, who was ahead by about 240,000 votes in the official count.

López Obrador has said he won't recognize the electoral court's decision, and he plans to create a parallel government and rule from the streets.

Which begs the question, "why scream about 'vote by vote' if these thugs don't recognize the ruling authority that oversees these votes or the electoral body that certifies the election??"
Answer: because it is not about the vote or the rule of law. It is about these gansters aquiring POWER -- by any means necessary.