Sunday, September 10, 2006

The donkey doth protest too much

Anyone familiar with this site (all three of you) knows I am not a big fan of television. Its fetid fare is a degradation that I mostly refuse, but the bread and circus atmosphere it imposes upon our culture does make a good spectator sport. Witness the latest screed from the left side of the political table concerning ABC's broadcast of some 9/11 rehash.

Why Does the Left Hate "The Path to 9/11"? By Hugh Hewitt

...By attempting a programming coup against the series, the Clinton forces have brought enormous attention to the film, and for that I thank them. The program is not primarily about the Clinton stewardship --or lack thereof-- of the national security. It is not even secondarily about that.
Rather the mini-series is the first attempt --very successful-- to convey to American television viewers what we are up against: The fanaticism, the maniacal evil, the energy and the genius for mayhem of the enemy.

In the self-serving complaints about this scene or that take delivered by Richard Ben-Veniste and other proxies are replayed again the deadly narcissisms of the'90s. The program's great faults are --they say-- in the inaccurate portrayal of Bill Clinton and his furrowed brow and continual efforts to track down bin Laden.

It is all about them, you see. Just as it was in the '90s. To hell with O'Neill or the victims of 9/11, and forget about the worldwide menace that continues to nurse its hatred, though now from caves and not compounds.

Not a word from these critics about the program's greatest strength, which is in the accurate rendering of the enemy, and the warning it might give about the need for continual vigilance.

I guess they just a like a good whine with their television.