Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Federal Deficit Down 14.1 Percent from last year

How can this be?? Them evil rich people got a tax break!
(cue the leftist utopians gnashing teeth and pitching a fit)

WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit, helped by a surge in government revenue, is running 14.1 percent below the pace of last year, the government reported Wednesday. The Treasury Department said that with just one month to go in the budget year, the deficit totals $304.3 billion, down from $354.1 billion during the same period a year ago.

Now for the bad news:
Government spending is also at record levels so far this budget year, totaling $2.43 trillion, an increase of 7.6 percent from the same period a year ago.

Now for some ok news:
The faster growth in revenues than in spending has meant that the 11-month deficit of $304.3 billion is 14.1 percent below the red ink run up during the same period a year ago.

Now for some more bad news:
Congress is working overtime to find ways to pork spend all the increased revenue - and it ain't because of the war.