Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I hate winter

Omar, from Iraq the Model, loves winter. The obvious respite from 115 plus degrees of oppressive summer heat is a good reason. Another reason is he doesn't have to constantly maintain his home's portable power generators. Ah, life in the big city.

These tow generators, each produce ~2.5 kw of power which is enough to cover the basic power needs of a household; fans, lights, TV, fridge, water pump and a computer. But this comes at a high expense; especially time-wise...keeping these two generators functioning cost an average of up to 2 hours of my time every day in the past 3-4 months.

I can't remember a day when both machines were functioning! At any given day there would be one of them yelling for some sort of maintenance. Aside from the daily oil-check and refueling and an oil change 2-3 times a week for each engine, there's a lot of maintenance to be done...

Go read it all and count your blessings.