Monday, September 18, 2006

Killing a president

The horrific prospect makes one ill to contemplate. But, not only do some contemplate the notion, they even fantasize about the horrific prospect on film to the applause of an audience. This is the putrid political pablum of the 'tolerant' and 'peace loving' leftist utopians.

That is why it is so heartening to hear none other than Hillary Clinton give evidence to something that maybe a surprise to everyone - she's human.

Dean Esmay has the low down on her stand up performance to blast Bush assassination film.

"I think it's despicable," Clinton said of "Death of a President," a fictional film that features a staged assassination of the president in 2007. "I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."

Me too. But, perhaps she is just doing some pre-emptive PR considering her own presidential aspirations. No matter. I still tip my hat to her.

Hot Air explains 'the larger truth.'
cue twi-light zone music

Update: I incorrectly attributed the link from Dean's World to Dean Esmay. The correct author for the article entitled 'Hillary Clinton and leadership' is Ron Coleman. I apologize for the oversight.