Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tokyo Rose suspect dies in Chicago

It was before my time, but for anyone who was the child of a WWII vet, names like this are familiar - and infamous.

Iva Toguri d'Aquino, who was convicted and later pardoned of being World War II propagandist "Tokyo Rose," has died of natural causes. She was 90.

Tokyo Rose was the name given by soldiers to a female radio broadcaster responsible for anti-American transmissions intended to demoralise soldiers fighting in the Pacific theatre.

A different time and a different place is all fading away now. War has always been hell, but the Japanese propoganda of 'Tokyo Rose' seems mighty tame compared to the horrific internet broadcasts featuring screaming people having their heads sawn off at the hands of islamo-fascists like The army of Ansar al Sunnah.
(Warning: gruesome videos)