Monday, September 25, 2006

We're All Neanderthals Now

Heck, they invented the wheel ...why not fences?

Sixty-four Democrats just voted with Republicans in the House to pass legislation authorizing 700 miles of double-layered fence along the border. The Senate recently voted 94-3 to spend nearly $2 billion on 370 miles' worth of fencing and will take up the House bill soon. As the panicked National Immigration Law Center says, "In recent days, there has been a serious deterioration of the position of pro-immigrant forces in Congress."

But a fence itself isn't sufficient. The key is stepped-up interior enforcement to cut off the jobs magnet that draws so many illegals here. The so-called Basic Pilot program — a small, voluntary system allowing employers to verify the legal status of their employees by computer — must be expanded and made mandatory. The Social Security Administration also has to tighten up its system of notifying employers when they hire people using fake Social Security numbers. It currently is full of holes that exist as a matter of policy to allow businesses, with a nod and a wink, to keep hiring illegals. These measures would really bite, and therefore are sure to encounter the bitter opposition of pro-illegal groups.
Rich Lowry has more over at Townhall.