Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Block me?! Block you!!

Dept of Interior Blocking Conservative Blogs.

Here's a quick runthrough of what I've found so far at work. You'll see that its pretty one-sided.

Blocked Blogs:
Captain's Quarters
Cox and Forkum
Gates of Vienna
Little Green Footballs
Michael J. Totten
Michelle Malkin
Power Line
Protein Wisdom
Rantings of a Sandmonkey
Roger L. Simon
The Adventures of Chester
The American Thinker
The Belmont Club
The Doctor is In

Blogs not blocked
Democrat Underground
America blog
The Huffington Post

In fact, every blog linked to off of DailyKos seems to work.

Please, please get the word out about this. It not only royally sucks that I can’t read stuff during downtimes at work, but they are being so blatantly biased as to what is being blocked. Thanks.

He makes the point rather nicely. Employers aren't happy when the herd is wasting time reading blogs (except for mine, of course). A uniform ban would keep the slackers in line and the work flowing, but it is obvious the ban is not uniform.

The daily kos & the democratic underground??
Sounds like sedition to me.

I gotta work harder to get banned...