Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cue Bill Shakespear

I arrived home this weekend from the conservative, white-guy secret meeting only to find most of the silent majority with their nickers in a knot over all this hoopla about 'conservative voters staying home and not voting'.

Toney Blankley was spouting off here and inferring an underlying stupidity to this decision.

The Washington Times seeks to explain on their front page a growing tide of 'disillusioned voters' seeking not to reward the status quo.

All this self-fulfilling blabber even crowded into the 'white house marching orders' on talk radio.

Enough already! Most of us neo-cons have obviously forgotten basic conservative training and failed to decode our double secret decoder ring secret!

Dang it. Stop making much ado about nothing and get with the program! Complacency - that's what 'they' are supposed to be lulled into. Don't spoil the brilliant Rove underpinnings of a sweet reverse political stategy by overplaying this hand. Get it? Got it. Good.
Shhh. I wasn't here.

Update: Uh oh. The WaPo is on to us!

Rush...get a handle on this guy, will ya?