Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm shocked!

Muslim Moderates Under Siege By Robert Spencer.

Since I began work on my new book The Truth About Muhammad, I have often been asked whether I really think it will do any good to discuss the actions of Muhammad that jihadists use to justify violence. Doesn't that alienate moderate Muslims? I have responded that actually no Islamic reform can possibly take place without an acknowledgment that there are elements of the Qur'an and the example of Muhammad that need searching reevaluation: how can reformers succeed if no one admits that anything needs any reforming?

At the same time, however, Islamic reformers have a difficult road. They are often targeted as apostates by jihadists, and often physically threatened. Farzana Hassan Shahid, the new president of the Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC), is the latest victim of this phenomenon. After her liberal views on many Islamic hot-button issues became known, she began receiving death threats from Muslim hardliners who considered her positions evidence of her falling away from Islam. One called her the "younger sister of Satan." Another accosted her husband at an Ontario mosque and demanded he "control his wife."

Control his wife?? I guess another round of obedience school is in order. At least the oppressive mohammadans aren't as bad as those Christians with their love & forgiveness terrorism. And stop with the 'Jesus loves you' assaults!
Oh, Rosie. The humanity!