Saturday, October 21, 2006

Same dog squeeze - different election

And the voters are the ones left holding their noses. There is an old adage out there that states: vote for the person, not the party. I used to say 'bollox to that' and say vote for the person and the party because political philosophy matters. But the moniker of 'republicrat' or 'demacan' is more a reality in this century than ever before with the dog squeeze piled unbearably high in yet another election. Maybe I am just jaded in my (not too) old age. Maybe I am more certain of another old adage that power tends to corrupt. I want to amend that adage: 'power with lots of other people's money tends to corrupt.'

It's time the citizens of the U.S. of A. get real about reforming the tax code in this country and remove the source from much of this wayward political power. Many advocate the fair tax plan while others advocate a flat tax plan. I prefer the flat tax plan as it is simple, straight forward and comes built-in with a tried & true catchy phrase: 'If its good enough for God, then it's good enough for Uncle Sam.' Even Russia, yes, Russia, has seen the wisdom in a flat tax, though they prefer the number thirteen.

But nothing will happen if the people - the registered voters - of this nation don't get off the duffs and get behind candidates that advocate and are commited to choking off the public money that feeds this government monster. Every one rants about 'throw the bums out' but why are they bums and what brings new bums to the table?? Money. Public money. Your money pried from your wallet via taxes.

Lots of old cranky b@stards like to rant, but now is the time to act. It is election time and those glad handing, back stabbing slapping, vote grubbing public servants are at least more accessable now than ever before what with web space, email and fax machines. Find and support those candidates that advocate tax reform. Raise your voices and let it be heard that 'we are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!'