Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thanks for nothing

Bush Holding Summit on School Violence

The man's against school violence. Gutsy move, Mr. President. But mopping up these tragic happenings is not in the purview of the federal government. This is a people issue. A family matter. It has little to do with government at all. The heart and soul of a people and a nation is best left to a higher authority, Mr. President.

If you really want to affect a change, dismantle the department of education and champion a state's initiative for school vouchers. Remove the fountain of public money that feeds a monster called the NEA. The NEA is a parasite; a parasite that fosters rote knowledge, moral bankruptcy and intelluctual platitudes. The NEA is an impediment to the successful oversite by parents of their children and their education, both moral & intellectual.

Take charge, Mr. President. For our children's sake! take charge and dismantle the department of education, remove public funds for the NEA and champion a state's initiative for school vouchers or 'thanks for nothing'.

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." - Theodore Roosevelt